Key advantages of our analytics services


analysis informed decisions icon
Informed Decisions:

Leverage comprehensive data analysis to guide your business strategies with precision.

analysis enhanced roi icon
Enhanced ROI:

Our analytics refine your marketing and operational strategies to boost return on investment.

analysis clear accountability icon
Clear Accountability:

With detailed reporting, gain clarity on your investments and their outcomes.

analysis discovery of opportunities icon
Discovery of Opportunities:

Identify and capitalize on untapped market potential and innovation avenues.

analysis customized recommendations icon
Customized Recommendations:

Receive tailored advice that fits your unique business context and challenges.

  • analysis informed decisions icon
    Informed Decisions:

    Leverage comprehensive data analysis to guide your business strategies with precision.

  • analysis enhanced roi icon
    Enhanced ROI:

    Our analytics refine your marketing and operational strategies to boost return on investment.

  • analysis clear accountability icon
    Clear Accountability:

    With detailed reporting, gain clarity on your investments and their outcomes.

  • analysis discovery of opportunities icon
    Discovery of Opportunities:

    Identify and capitalize on untapped market potential and innovation avenues.

  • analysis customized recommendations icon
    Customized Recommendations:

    Receive tailored advice that fits your unique business context and challenges.

Our analysis &
reporting services

Comprehensive Data Analysis

Dive deep into the quantitative core of your business with our data analysis services. We uncover hidden patterns and insights that influence your strategic decisions, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Performance Reporting

Track the impact of your strategies with our detailed performance reports. These insights provide a clear view of successes and areas for improvement, allowing for timely adjustments to maximize effectiveness.

Conversion Rate Optimization Analysis

Optimize your digital platforms with our CRO analysis. We assess user interactions to identify conversion barriers and opportunities, enhancing user experience and increasing conversion rates.

Marketing Attribution Modeling

Determine the effectiveness of each marketing channel with our precise attribution modeling. Understand how various tactics contribute to your overall success and adjust your spending for optimal allocation.

A/B Testing and Experimentation

Validate the effectiveness of different strategies with our A/B testing services. This rigorous approach helps ensure that your marketing efforts are both innovative and effective, driving better engagement and conversions.

Proof of performance:
our success stories

Discover the real-world impact of Greenbaum Stiers’ marketing through our detailed case studies. We pride ourselves on guiding our clients from potential to actual success, demonstrating how our straightforward strategies effectively enhance online presence and sales.


Start the conversation
with Greenbaum Stiers

Schedule a no-obligation consultation and website audit to discover how our in-house team can help your business thrive in a constantly changing world.